Bariatric Nutrition Services

  • Nutrition Evaluation

    The preoperative period is an important time to get clearances completed and most people are excited, yet a little nervous, too.

    You will have an individualized nutrition evaluation and a bonus, educational session to learn tips as well as tricks to maximize your long term results. You will leave inspired, knowledgable and motivated!

    IMPORTANTE: Si se siente más cómodo teniendo un traductor para su sesión, haga clic aquí para programar.

  • Follow Up Visit

    There are many focus areas as you prepare for bariatric surgery and life after. You may want a follow up visit at any point in your bariatric process.

    We will address your accomplishments as well as any challenges. You will learn new ways to support your journey and success.

  • Package of 3 Follow Up Visits

    After your initial visit, you will be ‘hungry’ for more knowledge, ideas, and suggestions.

    This package of 3 visits provides access to the food and mood journal app to guide you. We will use this information to refine your food choices and eating patterns.

Appointment Policy:
Appointments must be confirmed prior to the appointment date to avoid cancellation. You may cancel or reschedule your appointment 24 hours prior to the session day/time. If you no show or cancel the day of your appointment, there is a $50 non-refundable fee. Initial visits require the mandatory forms to be completed at least 3 days prior to your appointment date. We will have to reschedule if you have not completed your forms.

Arrive on time to the Zoom call. Be in a location where you have good internet and no distractions such as driving in the car. It will take away from your visit time. We need every minute.

Meet Debbie Juda RD LDN, your nutritionist.

With over 30 years of experience, it will be an honor to work with you to provide individualized guidance and recommendations. Nutrition is an important part along with the care you will receive from Jackson Medical Group.