Our Surgical Services

Bariatric Nutrition Evaluation

Are you preparing for bariatric surgery?  The preoperative period is an important time to get your clearances completed. Most people are excited, yet a little nervous, too.  

One of your required clearances is the Nutrition Evaluation/Consultation. We will take a look at your weight history, past diet attempts, current foods favorites, relationship with food and so much more. 

This information will be assessed and a report will be prepared for your bariatric surgeon.

Follow Up Sessions

Nutrition Reset Evaluation

It is expected that a person who has had bariatric surgery will level out on their weight loss.  It can be overwhelming if you begin to regain weight.  If you are struggling with weight regain, schedule a session so we can take a close look at the areas which may be contributing factors. 

Sometimes it is a simple fix and other times, we need to develop a plan to get you back to using your tool as intended. 

Please take a moment to schedule your appointment and you will be one step closer to obtaining your goal.

There are many areas to focus on as you prepare, as well as recover, from bariatric surgery.  Working with a bariatric dietitian, your sessions may address a specific concern you would like to work on together or you may deep dive on specific areas important for your success such as:

- Food tolerance based on your postop stage
- Protein/fluid/fiber/vitamin/mineral intake check to ensure goals are met
- Meal option suggestions/recipes
- Success skills integration check