Orlando Surgery Bariatric Nutrition Services

  • Bariatric Surgery Nutrition Evaluation

    Are you preparing for bariatric surgery? The preoperative period is an important time to get clearances completed and most people are excited, yet a little nervous, too.

    During this appointment we will review your weight history, past diet attempts, current food intake, relationship with food and so much more. This information will be assessed and a report will be prepared for Dr. Patel and Orlando Surgery.

  • Nutrition Evaluation plus Postoperative Follow Up Visit

    There are many focus areas as you prepare for bariatric surgery and life after. This package includes the Initial Bariatric Surgery Nutrition Evaluation plus a Postoperative Follow Up Visit one month after surgery.

    We will address your accomplishments as well as any challenges at the one month postop visit. You will learn new ways to support your journey and success.

  • Bariatric Nutrition Reset Evaluation

    It is not uncommon that a person who has had bariatric surgery will level out on their weight loss. It can be overwhelming if you are struggling with a weight loss stall or weight regain. Schedule a session so we can take a close look at the areas which may be the contributing factors.

    Sometimes it is a simple fix and other times, we need to develop a strategy and plan to support success.

  • Package of 3 Follow Up Sessions

    After your initial visit, you will be ‘hungry’ for more knowledge, ideas, and suggestions. This package of 3 visits provides access to the food and mood journal app to guide you. We will use this information to refine your food choices and eating patterns.

  • Package of 6 Follow Up Sessions

    After your initial visit, you may want a series of visits to support lasting success. This package of 6 visits provides access to the food and mood journal app to guide you. The information gathered will be reviewed at each visit.

  • Package of 12 Follow Up Sessions

    If you want a personal nutrition coach for each step of your journey, the package of 12 visits is your answer. You will have access to the food and mood journal app to guide you. We will celebrate accomplishments and provide guidance for any challenges.

Appointment Policy:
Appointments must be confirmed prior to the appointment date to avoid cancellation. You may cancel or reschedule your appointment 24 hours prior to the session day/time. If you no show or cancel the day of your appointment, there is a $50 non-refundable fee. Initial visits require the mandatory forms to be completed at least 3 days prior to your appointment date. We will have to reschedule if you have not completed your forms.

Arrive on time to the Zoom call. Be in a location where you have internet and are not driving in the car or distracted by work. It will take away from your visit time. We need every minute.